Wednesday, October 16, 2019

"If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!"

So, she seems to have a nicer life if she's happy with her personality and who she is.  Like, all this attention works out in her lifestyle.

People make fun of me for it not working out in my present condition.  My dad disapproves of me forever.  I feel locked up like those 3 girls in Ohio, in some ways maybe.  I'm forced to take medicine because I can't support myself, I am still at home and getting tired and feeling different from the psychotic meds gets in the way of me ever getting out and being happy with my life and career options.

It seems the older lady I like won because of race as the causes.  I used to have more opened up for me before this.  She changed suddenly it seemed, kinda like being better? and, in a way, relayed immediately she no longer was after me but that she was just different, not like, "Oh I'm a normal person and I was talking to Christina for awhile and I really think she's nice and gets along well" ... but it's that she's serious and it's like I'm no longer of any much amazement in any way and more unwanted and later on for other reasons but related that I'm no longer in that relationship.  It's that she believes I'm in trouble like many other people.